About Me

I am Veer

I am a student, currently studying at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. I studied at Campion School, Mumbai, in the ICSE curriculum until the 10th grade and at Aditya Birla World Academy, Mumbai, in the A Levels curriculum for my 11th and 12th grades. I enjoy Badminton, Music, Mathematics, and Teaching. Apart from these, I enjoy Cycling, Cricket, and Chess.

I genuinely enjoy, and always look forward to learning new things, and therefore, I am trying out making a website for myself.

I am passionate and hardworking. I may be introverted when I meet you at first but I tend to get extroverted as I get to know you better.

The most important thing for me is my values and beliefs and that will never change. Please do get in touch with me by clicking on my contact page.

Letters of Recommendations


The first time I ever played badminton was at a resort on vacation when I was around the age of 8. I enjoyed the game and was pretty good at it for my first attempt. Hence, I started coaching for it. And ever since I have been coaching and participating in as many tournaments as I can, both individually as well as representing Campion school.

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My entire family is connected to music. My Mother plays the tabla, my Father sings, my sister sings, my Grandmother plays the harmonium and sings, and I sing and play the piano.

Since I was 3 years old, my music sir, Mr. Ashim Karmakar, came home to teach me Indian music and does so till this date. He taught me my basics in music. Then in fourth standard I was picked up by my school teacher, Mr. Sunny Rodrigues, to sing in the choir for the school play celebrating its 70th year. From then, every year, I participated in and won many inter-house competitions and interschool competitions.

I have also completed a three year course at TSM (the True School of Music).

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From a very young age, I have excelled in maths. I enjoy it and apply it in many places. An example would be just recently I received my board exam results. Because of covid-19, 4 out of ten papers were not attempted and to give us the results they applied a complicated formula that took a while for everyone to grasp.
With some simple mathematics, I went ahead and simplified the formula and sent it out to the class group.

As you can see it is very easy to simplify complex problems with simple mathematics. It was experiences like these from a very young age that really built my liking for mathematics.
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I have a younger sister and whenever she gets stuck with a particular problem I enjoy explaining it to her patiently.

Recently during covid-19, my father came up with the idea of me teaching children in rural India. I liked the idea and went ahead with it, reached out to a school named Vishwa Academy, and taught the 9th standard IGCSE children. Of course, they were shy at first but slowly they opened up. I genuinely enjoyed the experience.

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