Huh, 2020

Aim – Make sure that all barren land is converted into forested area. Stop crazy practices of religions.
Procedure – Start of by spreading awareness about trees and the benefits of planting them. Show that god has given us air, water, food, and life. And so have trees. Therefore, using mathematics,

We humans think god created us but we create god every time we plant a tree.
What is the need of Spending millions of hours praying to god when in all that time we could have created it? Let us instil in all humans that Planting trees is our culture. Then the world will be a better place.

I would like to ask this question to Greta Thunberg, “Do you really think it was the older generations fault that global warming has been taking place? And by bunking school because you’re bad at studies and sitting outside someplace instead of trying to improve at it resolves the problem?

Every religion says its peace loving but if we question it, they will kill us. How ironical!
If any older generation person tried to stand up against ill practices, they would be killed so I would not blame the older generation at all.

If every person in the world makes it a point to plant just one tree and take care of it no one has any idea about the changes that are possible.

It is so easy to cut a tree these days. Where are the laws on cutting trees? The law should be for every branch cut down a minimum of 50 new trees should be planted. And for every tree cut down a minimum of 200.
I hope this generation understands what I am trying to say and not be like the older generation and kill me for expressing my opinion.

Thank you


  1. WOW Veer….

    Your Thoughts are truly a Treasure …

    Indeed Trees are the way to resolve the climate crisis and simply we all need to own our trees by sowing , nurturing them

    Keep up with your vision for the world

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